Art by Oneirio
Judgement is Passed
Seteth M. Gricenchos
[Saint Cichol of Zanado]

Art by BeesandInk
Centuries ago, Cichol was a powerful warrior amongst the Nabatean tribe, revered for his strength and courage. When mankind turned against his people, they were defeated and driven underground. The Goddess repopulated the land after the damage done to the continent, and fell into a deep sleep. The tribe settled the valley of Zanado, protecting their creator. Cichol was happily wed and blessed with many children, and hoped to live out his days in such bliss. However, humanity and their greed returned once more. Cichol had left the valley with one of his children, Cethleann, and returned to the smoking remains of their home. His wife and other children had been slaughtered, as had most of their people. Their bodies were taken or desecrated by the invaders, leaving none at peace. Few survivors remain in the tribe, including Cichol's four siblings. It takes over seventy years to prepare for a counter offensive, and another sixty for the ensuing war to come to an end. Drained both physically and mentally, Cethleann falls into a deep slumber that lasts for centuries at a time. Cichol remains ever vigilant, watching over the last of his offspring.In 1162, the eldest sibling Seiros summons Cichol to her side at Garreg Mach Monastery. She's taken up the guise of Rhea, current Archbishop in the church that follows her teachings. Cichol meanwhile takes the name of Seteth, and becomes her assistant. The Knights of Seiros are dispatched to watch over Cethleann's resting place in his stead, though the truth behind their deployment is kept a secret. The arrangement continues until 1179, when Cethleann awakes from her slumber. Her father arrives to greet her, and they return to Garreg Mach together under the guise of brother and sister. She takes on the name Flayn, and settles in.In 1180, the thought deceased Knight Captain Jeralt returns, alongside his child. Seteth can immediately sense something off about them, and eventually learns the truth. The newly anointed professor and bearer of the Crest of Flames is also the child of Sitri, a failed experiment by Rhea to resurrect Sothis. Seteth is greatly disturbed by this revelation, but can do little about it. At the end of the year, the new Emperor of Adrestia declares war on the church, and a massive battle unfolds at Garreg Mach.Depending on who the reincarnated Goddesss sided with during the battle determines Seteth's fate. The ensuing war continued for five years in their absence, but came to a head upon their return. Should they have sided with Emperor Edelgard, both Seteth and Flayn are defeated while trying to retake the church, and either go into hiding or die depending on how the battle goes. Should the professor have sided against Edelgard however, they both live and fight against the Empire. When the war concludes, Seteth remains at the Church and resumes his duties with a new passion, implementing many reforms and correcting some of the historical revision that Seiros had implemented.

Art by Izuka Daisuke
Trivia and headcanons about my portrayal of Seteth.• His full alias is Seteth Maghiotha Gricenchos, coming from his historical roots as Cichol. Magh Iotha is the site of the first battle in Irish Mythology, between the Fomorians under Cichol Gricenchos’s command, and the Partholóin, a group of Christian settlers.• The reason for the red coloration of his dragon form lies in Cichol's Celtic counterpart Cicolluis. The name is an epithet to the roman god of war, Mars. This also explains why the Crest of Cichol corresponds to the Strength Arcana.• The Strength Arcana in the Thoth Tarot deck is instead represented by Lust. Saint Cichol is the only of the Saints stated to have offspring (Cethleann), and considering the time period, likely had many. However, only Cethleann survived the genocide in Zanado. The mother of Cethleann and his other pure-blooded Nabatean children was Litavis, who's name is shared with a Celtic earth goddess and wife of Cicolluis.• Saint Cichol shared his blood with the first member of the Aegir family, granting him a Major Crest of Cichol. He also gifted the Ochain Shield to him, which passes into the hands of Ferdinand during the paralogue Retribution in all routes aside from Crimson Flower.• Seteth rarely hates anybody, but if given the opportunity, he would mercilessly beat Ludwig von Aegir to death with no hesitation.• Interestingly enough, Seteth has Faith Prowess 5, but an E Rank in Faith Magic. This shows his deep understanding of scriptures, without actually pursuing White Sorcery.• He also has the skill Defiant Strength, meaning he mastered the Hero class.• In Crimson Flower, Seteth has the Ochain Shield as early as the battle of Garreg Mach. In all other routes, the shield is in possession of Duke Aegir until his death in the paralogue Retribution which happens during the War. He somehow retrieved it during the lead-up to the battle, perhaps having a Church aligned thief steal it.• Prior to the War of Heroes, Cichol was the most rambunctious and free spirited of his siblings, embodying his Strength. The loss of his family is what made him the more reserved man he is today. Seteth as of 1180 better represents the Reversed Strength Arcana. Expanding on this, his overcoming of trauma and finding new love for life is what brings him closer to the Cichol of old.

Art by Crescentia
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